
This module will attempt to modify the S3 Boot Script on the platform. Doing this could cause the platform to malfunction. Use with care!


Replacing existing opcode: -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,<reg_opcode>,<address>,<value>
    <reg_opcode> = pci_wr|mmio_wr|io_wr|pci_rw|mmio_rw|io_rw -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,mem[,<address>,<value>] -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,dispatch`` -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,dispatch_ep``

Adding new opcode: -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a add_op,<reg_opcode>,<address>,<value>,<width>
    <reg_opcode> = pci_wr|mmio_wr|io_wr -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a add_op,dispatch[,<entrypoint>]


>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,<reg_opcode>,<address>,<value>
>>>   <reg_opcode> = pci_wr|mmio_wr|io_wr|pci_rw|mmio_rw|io_rw

The option will look for a script opcode that writes to PCI config, MMIO or I/O registers and modify the opcode to write the given value to the register with the given address.

After executing this, if the system is vulnerable to boot script modification, the hardware configuration will have changed according to given <reg_opcode>.

>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,mem

The option will look for a script opcode that writes to memory and modify the opcode to write the given value to the given address.

By default this test will allocate memory and write write 0xB007B007 that location.

After executing this, if the system is vulnerable to boot script modification, you should find the given value in the allocated memory location.

>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,dispatch

The option will look for a dispatch opcode in the script and modify the opcode to point to a different entry point. The new entry point will contain a HLT instruction.

After executing this, if the system is vulnerable to boot script modification, the system should hang on resume from S3.

>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a replace_op,dispatch_ep

The option will look for a dispatch opcode in the script and will modify memory at the entry point for that opcode. The modified instructions will contain a HLT instruction.

After executing this, if the system is vulnerable to dispatch opcode entry point modification, the system should hang on resume from S3.

>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a add_op,<reg_opcode>,<address>,<value>,<width>
>>>   <reg_opcode> = pci_wr|mmio_wr|io_wr

The option will add a new opcode which writes to PCI config, MMIO or I/O registers with specified values.

>>> -m tools.uefi.s3script_modify -a add_op,dispatch

The option will add a new DISPATCH opcode to the script with entry point to either existing or newly allocated memory.